Privacy and Cookie Policy

Privacy Policy
VAT number: 08651810726
Privacy Policy of

This page contains all the information useful for the protection of your personal data, in compliance with art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 – Code regarding the protection of personal data for all those who navigate on this site.


Personal Data (or Data)

Personal data is any information relating to a natural person, identified or identifiable, even indirectly, by reference to any other information, including a personal identification number.

Usage Data

These are personal data collected automatically by the Application (or by third-party applications that it uses), including: the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the User who connects to the Application, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​notation, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc. .) the country of origin, the characteristics of the browser and operating system used by the visitor, the various temporal connotations of the visit (for example the time spent on each page) and the details relating to the itinerary followed within the Application, with particular reference to the sequence of the pages consulted, to the parameters relating to the operating system and the IT environment of the User.


The individual who uses this Application, who must coincide with the interested party or be authorized by him and whose Personal Data are being processed.


The natural or legal person to whom the Personal Data refers.

Data Processor (or Manager)

The natural person, legal person, public administration and any other body, association or body appointed by the Data Controller to process Personal Data, as set out in this privacy policy.

Data Controller (or Owner)

The natural person, legal entity, public administration and any other entity, association or body responsible, even jointly with another owner, for decisions regarding the purposes, methods of processing personal data and the tools used, including the profile of the security, in relation to the operation and use of this Application. The Data Controller, unless otherwise specified, is the owner of this Application.

This Application

The hardware or software tool through which the Users' Personal Data is collected.


Small portion of data stored within the User's device.

Data Controller

ANDREW FIVE Corato (Bari) Via Catania n.12 | VAT number: QNTNDR96B14L109J | phone: +39 3421126695

Types of Data collected

Among the Personal Data collected by this Application, independently or through third parties, there are: Cookies, Usage data, Name and Surname, Email, Telephone and any other secondary fields.

Other Personal Data collected may be indicated in other sections of this privacy policy or through information texts displayed at the same time as the Data is collected. Personal Data may be entered voluntarily by the User, or collected automatically during the use of this Application. Any use of Cookies - or other tracking tools - by this Application or by the owners of third-party services used by this Application, unless otherwise specified, has the purpose of identifying the User and recording the relative preferences for related to the provision of the service requested by the User or services similar to the one requested.

Failure by the User to provide certain Personal Data could prevent this Application from providing its services.

The User assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties published or shared through this Application and guarantees that he has the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Owner from any liability to third parties.

Method and place of processing of the collected Data

Methods of treatment

The Data Controller processes the Users' Personal Data by adopting the appropriate security measures aimed at preventing unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data.
The processing is carried out using IT and/or telematic tools, with organizational methods and with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, categories of persons involved in the organization of the site (administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators) or external subjects (such as third party technical service providers, postal couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies, external companies) also appointed, if necessary, as Data Processors by the Data Controller. The updated list of Managers can always be requested from the Data Controller.

The Data is processed at the Data Controller's operating offices and in any other place where the parties involved in the processing are located. For more information, contact the Owner.

The Data is processed for the time necessary to perform the service requested by the User, or required by the purposes described in this document, and the User can always request the interruption of the Processing or the deletion of the Data.

The User's Data is collected to allow the Owner to provide its services, as well as for the following purposes: Access to accounts on third-party services, Statistics, Contacting the User, Commenting on contents and sending email messages, Interaction with social networks external networks and platforms ( such as Disqus or others) , protection from SPAM and displaying content from external platforms, carrying out activities functional to the promotion of products and services of third-party companies through letters, telephone, Internet, SMS, MMS and others communication systems; carry out market and customer satisfaction surveys; offer products and services specifically identified through the processing of personal data relating to preferences, habits, consumption choices, etc.: the provision of data for these purposes is optional and consent is required for the processing of such data.

The types of Personal Data used for each purpose are also indicated in the specific sections of this document.

Facebook permissions requested by this Application

This Application may ask for some Facebook permissions which allow it to perform actions with the User's Facebook account and to collect information, including Personal Data, from it.

For more information on the permissions below, please refer to the Facebook permissions documentation and Facebook 's privacy policy .

The permissions required are as follows:

Basic information

The basic information of the User registered on Facebook which normally includes the following Data: id, name, image, gender and localization language and, in some cases, the "Friends" of Facebook. If the User has made additional Data publicly available, the same will be available.


Sharing instead of the user.


Provides access to insight data for pages, applications and domains that the user owns.

I like

Provides access to the list of all pages that the user has liked.


Personal Data is collected for the following purposes and using the following services:

These services allow you to interact with social networks, or with other external platforms, directly from the pages of this Application.
The interactions and information acquired by this Application are in any case subject to the User's privacy settings relating to each social network.
In the event that an interaction service with social networks is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, the same collects traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed.

– Google+ +1 button and social widgets (Google Inc.)

The +1 button and the Google+ social widgets are services allowing interaction with the Google+ social network, provided by Google Inc.

Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data.

Place of processing: USA –Privacy Policy

Facebook Like button and social widgets (Facebook, Inc.)
The Facebook "Like" button and social widgets are services allowing interaction with the Facebook social network, provided by Facebook, Inc.

Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data.

Place of processing: USA –Privacy Policy

Twitter Tweet button and social widgets (Twitter, Inc.)
The Tweet button and Twitter social widgets are services allowing interaction with the Twitter social network, provided by Twitter, Inc.

Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data.

Place of processing: USA – Privacy Policy


The comment services allow Users to formulate and publish their own comments regarding the content of this Application.
Depending on the settings decided by the Owner, Users can also leave comments anonymously. If there is an email among the Personal Data released by the User, this could be used to send notifications of comments regarding the same content. Users are responsible for the content of their comments.
In the event that a comment service provided by third parties is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the comment service, the same collects traffic data relating to the pages in which the comment service is installed . Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data.


These services allow you to manage a database of email contacts, telephone contacts or contacts of any other type, used to communicate with the User.
These services could also allow the collection of data relating to the date and time of viewing of messages by the User, as well as the User's interaction with them, such as information on clicks on the links inserted in the messages.

CF7 DB (Database)
CF7DB is an address and user data management service.

Personal data collected: Name and Surname, Email, Mobile and any other fields.


Mailing List or Newsletter (This Application, or MailPoet)
By registering with the mailing list or newsletter, the User's email address is automatically added to a list of contacts to which email messages containing information, including commercial and promotional information, relating to this Application or third-party companies may be sent. .

Personal data collected: Email, Name.

> Contact Form (This Application, CF7 , Real Captcha)
By filling in the contact form with their Data, the User consents to their use to respond to requests for information, quotes, appointments, or of any other nature indicated by the header of the form and also of a commercial and promotional nature, relating to this Application or third-party companies.

Personal data collected: Name and Surname, Email, Mobile and any other secondary fields.


These services analyze the traffic of this Application, potentially containing Users' Personal Data, in order to filter it from parts of traffic, messages and content recognized as SPAM.
– Akismet (Automattic Inc.)
Akismet is a SPAM protection service provided by Automattic Inc.

Personal data collected: Various types of data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.

Place of processing: USA – Privacy Policy


The services contained in this section allow the Data Controller to monitor and analyze traffic data and are used to keep track of User behaviour.
– Google Analytics (Google Inc.), Google Maps, WP Google Maps
Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Application, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google.
Google may use the Personal Data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its advertising network.

Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data.

Place of processing: USA –Privacy Policy​​Opt Out


These services allow you to view content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of this Application and to interact with them.
If a service of this type is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, it may collect traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed.
– Youtube Video Widgets (Google Inc.)
Youtube is a video content visualization service managed by Google Inc. which allows this Application to integrate such contents within its pages.

Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data.

Place of processing: USA – Privacy Policy

Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies. In this statement you can find more information about cookies, how they are used on this site and what control procedures are adopted with respect to the cookies themselves. By continuing to browse this website, you agree to the use of cookies, in accordance with this information. If you do not agree to the use of cookies, please disable them by following the instructions below, so that the cookies on this site are not installed on your computer or other device you use for browsing the site. site.

What is a Cookie? A cookie is a small amount of data, often also a unique identifier, sent to your computer browser or mobile phone (referred to here as a "device") from the server where a website resides and is stored on your device for a specific period of time. time. Each website can send its own cookies to your browser if your browser preferences allow it. To protect your privacy, your browser allows you to indicate whether a website can access the cookies it has already sent and not the cookies sent by other websites. Many websites do this every time a user visits them to monitor online traffic flows. On this website, our cookies record information and preferences so that we can tailor the site to your interests. You can set your device preferences to: accept all cookies, to warn you when a cookie is being released, or not to receive all cookies. By selecting the latter option, you will not receive customized features and will limit your ability to take full advantage of the entire site. Each browser is different and is updated periodically, so please check your browser's "Help" menu to learn how to change your cookie preferences. Many websites use cookies to perform useful checks, such as finding out if the device has visited the same site previously and making it easier to navigate the site on subsequent visits.

Session cookies and persistent cookies: On this website we can use cookies with a duration equal to the single browsing session, which therefore expire when the browser session is closed; or we can use persistent cookies that last longer, even beyond the closure of the browser session, but always for a specific period of time.

Purpose The cookies on this website are used for one or more of the following purposes. Strictly necessary purposes: cookies that are strictly necessary to provide the service requested by the user. Performance purposes: cookies that collect information about how the user uses a website, such as, for example, which web pages the user visits most frequently, and if there are error messages coming from the web page . Functional purposes: cookies that allow a website to remember the choices that a user makes (such as username, preferred language, products selected for purchase) and that allow the user to be provided with more personalized functions.

Third-party cookies on our pages Please note that certain cookies may be in use during visits to our website that are foreign to us and over which we have no control.
When you visit a page with embedded content, for example, YouTube or Flickr (third party),
cookies from these websites could be written without our control. We do not control the dissemination of these cookies.
For information on how third-party cookies are used, consult the third-party websites.
This site may use third-party cookies that adopt the cookie management policies described at the following links:



Google Analytics






Shareaholic |share buttons, analytics, related content

How to delete cookies or control them: The site may use third-party cookies that collect personal information. However, if you wish to restrict or block the cookies set by this or any other website, you can do so through your browser settings. The Help function within your browser usually explains how to do this. Please note that most browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) are configured to accept cookies. Alternatively, you could visit which contains comprehensive information on how to delete or control cookies for a wide range of browsers. You will also find details on how to delete cookies from your computer as well as general information on cookies. For information on how to do this for your mobile phone browser you may need to consult your mobile phone manual. We remind you that disabling cookies could limit the functionality of this website. To remove some third-party cookies, you can use the online service which currently only works for advertising profiling cookies and detects only the cookies of third parties who have subscribed; precisely for this reason, this method is not decisive for the purpose of removing all third-party cookies.

These links may be useful for the browsers indicated:
Internet Explorer 9

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

Apple Safari

Your preferences made online via inter-professional sites

We invite you to access the Youronlinechoices site proposed by the professional digital advertising companies grouped within the European Association EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance) and managed in Italy by the Interactive Advertising Bureau Italia ( ) .

You will thus be able to find out about the companies registered on this platform which offer you the possibility of refusing or accepting the cookies they use to adapt the advertisements which may be displayed on your computer terminal to your browsing information: /en/


The User's Personal Data can be used for the defense by the Owner in court or in the preparatory stages for its eventual establishment, against abuses in the use of the same or related services by the User.
The User declares to be aware that the Owner may be required to disclose the Data at the request of the public authorities.

At the request of the User, in addition to the information contained in this privacy policy, this Application could provide the User with additional and contextual information regarding specific services, or the collection and processing of Personal Data.

Further information in relation to the processing of Personal Data may be requested at any time from the Data Controller using the contact information.

The subjects to whom the Personal Data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the same from the Data Controller, to know its content and origin, to verify its accuracy or request its integration , cancellation, updating, rectification, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of Personal Data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, their treatment. Requests should be addressed to the Data Controller.

This Application does not support “Do Not Track” requests. To find out if any third-party services used support them, consult their privacy policies.

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by giving notice to Users on this page. Therefore, please consult this page often, referring to the date of the last modification indicated at the bottom. In case of non-acceptance of the changes made to this privacy policy, the User is required to cease using this Application and may request the Data Controller to remove his Personal Data. Unless otherwise specified, the previous privacy policy will continue to apply to the Personal Data collected up to that moment.

The Data Controller is responsible for this privacy policy.